The Most Profound Words Ever Spoken
LYHITM products are called Mirroracles™ for two reasons. The first one is obvious, they're made with mirrors. The second reason is they're ULTRA Mirroraculous™ and derive from the most Mirroraculous™ story ever.
The first person to receive the first classic sterling silver pendant wrote this:
"Received the pendants, they really are beautiful. As I put one of them on I felt like my whole body was transforming. Felt this surge of power, It was least to say very Interesting, I'm at a lost for words on how to describe the feeling that came over me. WOW
The first person to receive the first classic sterling silver pendant wrote this:
"Received the pendants, they really are beautiful. As I put one of them on I felt like my whole body was transforming. Felt this surge of power, It was least to say very Interesting, I'm at a lost for words on how to describe the feeling that came over me. WOW
These are quotes from Deepak Chopra’s "The Way of the Wizard" that Mirroraculously™ match LYHITM .
"When you seek, begin in your heart.
The cave of the heart is the home of truth."
"Having no reflection, you have no self-image. When you’re not distracted by self-image, you can only be in the state of innocence."
"Centuries of knowledge are compressed in revelatory moments."
"Seekers are offered clues all the time from the world of spirit.
Ordinary people call these clues coincidences.
To a wizard there are no coincidences."
"In the rubble of devastation and disaster are buried hidden treasure."
"When you seek, begin in your heart.
The cave of the heart is the home of truth."
"Having no reflection, you have no self-image. When you’re not distracted by self-image, you can only be in the state of innocence."
"Centuries of knowledge are compressed in revelatory moments."
"Seekers are offered clues all the time from the world of spirit.
Ordinary people call these clues coincidences.
To a wizard there are no coincidences."
"In the rubble of devastation and disaster are buried hidden treasure."
The Goddess Tefnut, aka Ma'at spoke to me, after doing tons of Mirroracles™
"I'm very angry, Tefnut Cooking"
"I'm very angry, Tefnut Cooking"